Makerspace Memberships
With the launch of the Guam Green Growth Makerspace and Innovation Hub, we curated and cultivated spaces for entrepreneurs and artisans to gather in a place filled with tools and equipment to transform waste products into marketable products, bringing dream projects to reality or simply learning something new. The G3 Circular Economy Makerspace and Innovation Hub will give our people an ownership role in the emerging green economy and in the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable

- $50.00 per month
- Access tools and specialty machines*
- Specialty machines* require initial class and capped 45 minutes weekly
- Additional fees apply for overage use
- $400 one-time annual fee
- Savings of $200.00
- 90 minutes per week with specialty machines*
- 35% off workshops and classes
- $35.00 per month
- Savings of $15.00 per month
- 45 minutes per week with specialty machines*
- Must present ID
(Please download application form, fill out, and email it to makerspace@triton.uog.edu)
- $35.00 per month
- Savings of $15/mo + GUMA Match
- 90 minutes per week with specialty machines*
- Additional times $50/hr
- Business must purchase a minimum of THREE (3) months or more for GUMA matching assistance ($195 savings)
- One free class upon initial sign up for any specialty machine is included. ($200 additional value)
- Business to designate ONE user. Additional users can be added with 50% off rates (weekly time cannot be shared)
- Member must provide their own consumables. Storage space is limited.
(Please download application form, fill out, and email it to makerspace@triton.uog.edu)
CNC Router
CNC Laser Engraver
3D Printer Class
Workshops & Classes
(Varies. Please see Eventbrite)
CNC routing table
CNC laser engraver
CNC mill
Prusa mk3 3d printer 2x
Anycubic phantom mono SLS 3D printer
Century flux welding machine
Genesis bench grinder
Ryobi band saw
Genesis 16″ scroll saw
Husky 20Gal compressor
Delta miter saw
Ryobi band saw
Ryobi handheld band saw
Rigid portable table saw
Rigid wet/dry vacuum
Rigid 12″ planer
Ryobi adjustable belt sander
DeWalt orbital sander
Ryobi skillsaw
Ryobi nail gun
Ryobi dremel set
Ryobi impact drill
Ryobi drill 2x
Ryobi angle drill
Ryobi handheld router
Ryobi handheld belt sander
Ryobi blower
Ryobi jigsaw
Wagner heat gun
Staple gun
Variety of shop hand tools
Precious Plastics
Version 4 Shredder
Version 4 Injector
Version 4 Sheet Press
Version 1 Shredder