RECAP: Guam Green Growth Conservation Corps week eighteen

It was a mix of sustainable activities for our G3 Conservation Corps last week!
To start the week off, the Corps went back to GAIN to assist with their energy efficiency projects that they surveyed for GAIN a few weeks ago. They installed and tinted more efficient windows and water-blasted the rooftops to reduce heat gain, cleaned the AC units to make them run more efficiently, and replaced CFLs with energy-efficient LED lights.
The Corps then went to Sagan Kotturan CHamoru to conduct a Citizen Forester Program inventory where they plotted 51 trees to track the benefits it provides to our land and our island community.
There were presentations on fisheries and sea turtles from our partners at DOAg, UOG Marine Lab, and UOG Sea Grant.
Mid-week was spent taking a tour of the Guam National Wildlife Refuge at Ritidian and removing the parasitic Dodder vine in the area. The Corps removed over 60 lbs. of the vine!
The Corps’ week ended with a cleanup at Tagå’chang Beach in Yona where volunteers from the village and from US Navy came by to help!
Si Yu’os ma’åse’ to all our partners for hosting us and to all our volunteers that came out to assist!